Don’t place your wealth in the hands of a financial planner who is receiving commissions, referral fees, or compensation from other sources.

Get peace of mind knowing you’re working with a fee-only wealth advisor you can trust.

We are paid only by our clients. We are committed to acting as a fiduciary, meaning that by law we must act in your best interest. The result? Unbiased financial advice you can trust. 

To learn more about the fiduciary difference, watch this video.

Grow Your Wealth

Elizabeth Barrett, MA, CFP®, AIF®, CKA®

Elizabeth serves as CEO and Senior Wealth Advisor of Sterling Wealth Advisors®. She is a Certified Financial Planner™, an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® designee, and a Certified Kingdom Advisor®. She focuses her expertise in the areas of tax planning, estate planning, retirement planning, and investment management. Elizabeth holds a master’s degree in counseling psychology. Because of her extensive training in this area, she has the unique advantage of helping her clients understand their personal psychological beliefs regarding wealth, which often impact the way they attain their financial goals. Elizabeth prides herself on maintaining close client relationships. She has a passion for life and for the people who are part of hers.

Learn More About Elizabeth   Meet Our Team

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